1-To maintain and upgrade the association standing in Livestock, poultry and aquatics industry
2-To keep and improve association members scientific, technical and expertise levels
3-To communicate and interact with ministries and organizations engaged in regulating and policy making in the field of animal health at highest levels (Islamic consultative assemble, Iran veterinary organization, presidential office, Ministry of Jahad Agriculture, Iran veterinary council, Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade, Central Bank, …
4- To obtain facilities and welfare services for the member companies via concluding agreements with banks and relevant organizations
5-To offer consultation services in various fields of commerce, trade, law, drug registration… via association and chamber of commerce commissions
6-To hold and participate actively in exhibitions, symposiums and scientific and expertise congresses at national and international levels
7-To communicate actively and effectively with joint chambers of commerce and other European, Asian… countries
8-To assume significant and effective positions in organizations, ministries, and chamber of commerce
9- To connect with other similar communities in the industry to synergize the capabilities
10- To transfer modern veterinary related technologies into the country
11- To attract veterinary drugs importers to the association
12-To generate sustainable revenue